26 Aug 2016

Five Things – 26 August

Here are 5 things from our world as of late. We’ll have some exciting news to share about all that we have been up to soon.

Sugar vs Fat

Fat Vs Sugar on BBC Radio 2

Still confused about the fat vs sugar debate? Listen to this great interview on BBC Radio 2 with Dr Michael Mosley. Go to 1.09 hours in.


Getting more sleep is better for your career

Too often we deprioritise sleep to make room for other things. But we feel better and get more done when we make sure we get enough sleep. This article is a great read – and as it says ‘those that get 7-8 hours sleep are more productive than those that get 5 hours.’


The Power of One Focused Hour

If you often feel frustrated or a little lost with what you are managing to get done then read this.


Delicious Friands

We make these a lot – delightful low sugar friands that are super quick to make. A friend asked for the recipe recently which means they must be good.


Making lasting healthy change

We are all about creating habits that last over the long-term. And if you ever wanted to read a more convincing case for why when it comes to weight loss then read this.