

Storytelling is an innately human way of communicating. But, in business communications, we don’t apply these skills. We stay focused on facts and data, not understanding that stories are the most effective way to engage and persuade.

In this session, we will look at how a story can be used in a way cold facts and data cannot. Whether you are delivering a presentation or having lunch, you will learn how to relate a compelling narrative on the topic at hand and make a real impact.

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.”
- Robert McKee


  • Why storytelling works
  • How to shape and structure business stories
  • The role of different emotions in stories
  • How to focus your story on the essentials
  • Ways to bring facts and figures to life


  1. Understanding of the elements that make a compelling story, and how to use them for professional impact and behaviour change.

  2. Ability to craft and deliver stories that captivate and engage different audiences.
  3. Skills to strategically integrate storytelling into various business scenarios such as presentations and pitches.

Our Methodology

  • Bite-Sized

    Our sessions are short, focused and easy to make time for.

  • Interactive

    Our training style is unique and we don’t use PowerPoint. We understand that when the mind has to work, the learning sticks.

  • Evidence-Based

    Our work is backed up by evidence from psychology, behavioural economics and neuroscience.

  • Effective

    With a focus on sharing practical tools and behaviour change cues, we help integrate our teaching into the work you do, instantly.



"Loved the interactive parts and discussing with people I don't normally work with."
- Participant feedback
"Excellent session."
- Participant feedback
"We got to put the skills straight to the test."
- Participant feedback